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王开成1      王秀芳2      卢成杰3      韩立娟4      李海林5      耿春颖6      樊志忠7      崔金海8
1.河北省唐山市丰润区中医医院中风二科,河北唐山   064000;
2.河北省唐山市丰润区中医医院治未病科,河北唐山   064000;
3.河北省唐山市丰润区中医医院心病科,河北唐山   064000;
4.河北省唐山市丰润区中医医院肝胆脾胃病科,河北唐山   064000;
5.河北省唐山市丰润区中医医院中风一科,河北唐山   064000;
6.河北省唐山市丰润区中医医院医务科,河北唐山   064000;
7.河北省唐山市丰润区中医医院康复科,河北唐山   064000;
8.河北省唐山市丰润区中医医院内一门诊,河北唐山   064000
Discussion on Cui Jinhai’s experience in preventing the recurrence of ischemic stroke by regulating qi and dissipating phlegm method
WANG Kaicheng1   WANG Xiufang2   LU Chengjie3   HAN Lijuan4   LI Hailin5   GENG Chunying6   FAN Zhizhong7   CUI Jinhai8#br#
1.The Second Department of Stroke, Tangshan Fengrun District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Tangshan   064000, China; 2.Department of Preventive Treatment of Disease, Tangshan Fengrun District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Tangshan   064000, China; 
3.Department of Heart Disease, Tangshan Fengrun District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Tangshan   064000, China; 
4.Department of Hepatobiliary, Splenic and Gastric Diseases, Tangshan Fengrun District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Tangshan   064000, China; 
5.the First Department of Stroke, Tangshan Fengrun District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Tangshan   064000, China; 6.Department of Medical Matters, Tangshan Fengrun District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Tangshan   064000, China; 7.Department of Rehabilitation, Tangshan Fengrun District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Tangshan   064000, China; 
8.the First Department of Internal Medicine Outpatient, Tangshan Fengrun District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hebei Province, Tangshan   064000, China


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