A qualitative study on the service needs of the incapacitated elderly in the pension agency of the combination of medical and nursing care institutions in Guangzhou
LI Haoran LIU Jiaxian ZHOU Ying DING Bang KE Chunjie
College of Nursing, Guangzhou Medical University, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510080, China
Abstract:Objective To provide theoretical basis for improving the service level and increasing the life quality of the elderly disabled in the combination of medical and nursing care institutions through qualitative interviews to understand their service needs. Methods From January to April 2019, sixteen incapacitated elderly were selected in 4 combination of medical and nursing elderly care institutions in Guangzhou Friendship Elderly Apartment, Yihe Haoting Nursing Home, Songhe Nursing Home, Baiyue Baitai Nursing Home were given semi-structured interviews to understand their service needs using qualitative research methods. Results The service needs of the incapacitated elderly in the combination of medical and nursing care institutions included the following aspects: humanized facilities and services, improving self-care ability, getting attention and respect, recognizing and resolving bad emotions, and perfecting the combination of medical and nursing care system. Conclusion The pension agency of the combination of medical and nursing care institutions should give full consideration to the mental and physical health conditions of incapacitated elderly, while provide facilitation facilities and humanized service, moreover, give more attention and respect, strengthen self-care ability training for the elderly, and the initiative to understand the old man emotional and mental health. Finally, improve the system of the combination of medical and nursing care to meet the needs of the elderly people.
李浩然 柳家贤 周英 丁棒 柯春洁. 广州市医养结合养老机构高龄失能老人服务需求的质性研究[J]. 中国医药导报, 2019, 16(35): 48-51.
LI Haoran LIU Jiaxian ZHOU Ying DING Bang KE Chunjie. A qualitative study on the service needs of the incapacitated elderly in the pension agency of the combination of medical and nursing care institutions in Guangzhou. 中国医药导报, 2019, 16(35): 48-51.
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