柯嘉 郑耿东 陈俊秀 陈凯达 黄海彬
广州中医药大学第三附属医院急诊科,广东广州 510000
A case of cadmium poisoning manifested by “abdominal pain and palpitations” and literature review
KE Jia ZHENG Gengdong CHEN Junxiu CHEN Kaida HUANG Haibin
Department of Emergency, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510000, China
摘要 镉中毒是一种罕见的重金属中毒,急性口服镉中毒有病情急、进展快、难以鉴别的特点。本文介绍了广州中医药大学第三附属医院1例以“腹痛、心悸”为首发表现的患者。该患者发病后迅速进展为呼吸衰竭、肝肾功能衰竭,通过血镉检查发现为急性镉中毒。镉中毒无特效解毒剂,予维护器官功能、生命支持为主要治疗手段。患者多脏器功能持续恶化,最终死亡。结合治疗中的问题,本文回顾复习相关文献,总结镉中毒特点,并提出临床上碰到诊断不明确的肝肾功能损伤,要及时考虑到中毒可能,及时行血、尿毒物检查,有助于诊断。
关键词 :
腹痛 ,
心悸 ,
镉中毒 ,
诊断 ,
治疗 ,
Abstract :Cadmium poisoning is a rare heavy metal poisoning. Acute oral cadmium poisoning has the characteristics of acute disease, rapid progress, and difficult identification. This article introduces a patient with “abdominal pain and palpitations” as the first manifestation in the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. The patient rapidly progressed to respiratory failure, liver and kidney failure after onset, and was found to have acute cadmium poisoning through blood cadmium examination. There is no specific antidote for cadmium poisoning, so the main treatment is to maintain organ function and life support. The patient’s multi-organ function continued to deteriorate and eventually died. Combined with the problems in treatment, the authors of this paper reviews the relevant literature, summarizes the characteristics of cadmium poisoning, and proposes that when the diagnosis of liver and kidney function damage is not clear, possible poisoning should be considered in time, and blood and urine toxicology tests should be carried out in time to help diagnose.
Key words :
Abdominal pain
Cadmium poisoning
Case report
基金资助: 广东省中医药局中医药科研项目(20221202)。
作者简介 : 柯嘉(1991.10-),男,硕士;研究方向:中西医结合治疗急危重症。
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